Object Mods/ETC11 Sara Outdoor Set 11 packages Early Access Until: 09/18/2024Public Releasedif you sign up for a free member, you can get free ModCoin to unlock Early Access. 2024. 9. 19. Urban Kitchen Appliances Download at TSR 2024. 2. 28. [TSR]Spes Glass Partition Set Download at TSR 2023. 5. 21. B&O Stereo and Speaker(Deco) They were made in 2016. Stereo functions as audio. Speaker is for decoration only. GoogleDrive 2022. 5. 11. Tiberino Washbasin Tiberino Washbasin 6602 polygons 9 swatches 2048 textures It is larger than the original size to fit the Sims. 3 weeks Early Access (Public Release on April, 18, 2022(KST) Public Released. https://www.patreon.com/posts/64340143 Inspired by Tiberino, Cielo 2022. 4. 18. Harvey Wall Treatments and Jet Chandeliers -Harvey Wall Treatments 18 pacakges 1x3 for short wall 1x4 for medium wall 1x5 for tall wall 11 swatches from 156polygons to 748 polygons 1024 textures were used. -Jet Chandeliers Caution - These chandeliers have very high polygons!!! Be aware with use. 3 heights 2048 textures were used. 3 swatches long - 44502 polygons medium - 39828 polygons short - 34452 polygons Early Access for 3 weeks (Pub.. 2022. 2. 15. Attic Set Attic Set - 19 Packages. 12 curtains for 2 Tiles, 3 Tiles, two different heights 3 decorative slanted wall 4 windows Curtains have high polygons.(from 10000 to 15000) 2048 textures were used. Available on Patreon Public Released. You can download at my Patreon or Google Drive. Download at Google Drive 2021. 11. 30. Wash Basin more information & download at TSR https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1530443 Mincsims' Washbasin with Cabinet This elegant washbasin is made of marble, concrete and wood. Found in TSR Category 'Sims 4 Sinks' www.thesimsresource.com 2021. 3. 4. Gorenje Retro Fridge [TS4]Gorenje Retro Fridge Mesh by Minc from scratch. Don't claim as your own mesh! The food textures and meshes are from The Schmapple Fridge in Sims4. *Gorenje Retro Fridge 154 - 3890 polygons *Gorenje Retro Fridge 174 - 4833 polygons *Gorenje Retro Fridge 194 - 4895 polygons 10 swatches Download at Dropbox 2020. 11. 25. 이전 1 2 다음