bed4 [TSR]Christmas 2023 Lyla Bedroom VIP Early Access until Jan 6, 2024 2023. 12. 23. Thyme Bedroom VIP Early Access until Mar 8, 2022 Mincsims' Thyme Bedroom Thyme Bedroom set is inspired by Korean old traditional furtiture and patterns. Found in TSR Category 'Sims 4 Adult Bedroom Sets' 2022. 2. 24. No Frame Bed NoFrame Bed High Polygons - 18562 HQ Compatible 8 swatches Animated Exclusive on Patreon 2021. 5. 23. Bedroom Furniture Set(2017) This is my one of old CC. It was made in 2017. Except for the bed, the other two(Menu Rack with Cloth and Menu Kasch Floor Mirror) remain the same. Originally, the bed frame, mattress, and duvet were separated from each other. I made them into one package. I made new parts of the meshes of the bed.(Pillows and Mattress) And the all textures of the bed have changed. 2048 textures were used now. A.. 2021. 4. 29. 이전 1 다음