Build Mods/Door71 HanYang Part-02 The second part of HanYang Series 2021. 3. 8. Mirage Doors *Single Doors for short wall, medium wall *Double Doors for short wall, medium wall *6 swatches Mincsims' Mirage Doors The translucent glass of this front door protects your Sims' privacy. Found in TSR Category 'Sims 4 Construction Sets' 2021. 2. 24. Darma Part.1 - Doors The set consists of 6 packages. Darma Arch for short wall - 1212 polygons Darma Open Door for short wall - 2028 polygons Darma Closed Door for short wall - 2028 polygons Darma Arch for Medium wall - 1448 polygons Darma Open Door for Medium wall - 2576 polygons Darma Closed Door for Medium wall - 2576 polygons 6 swatches They are all for 2 tiles. .. 2021. 2. 20. Arch with Glass 6 Arches 4 tiles, 3 tiles, 2tiles for medium wall 4 tiles, 3 tiles, 2tiles for short wall Public release after 3 weeks. (Feb 03, 2021) Early Access on Patreon 2021. 2. 3. Everglow Louvre Doors Everglow Louvre Doors The set consists of 6 doors. *1 sliding door , 2 open doors for medium wall *1 sliding door , 2 open doors for short wall Download at CurseForge 2020. 12. 21. [TSR]Be Sliding Barn Doors [TS4]Be Barn Doors *5 Sliding Doors *5 Open Doors *5 Decorative Doors Available on TSR, 2020-12-19 2020. 12. 2. Gateway Doors Download at TSR 2020. 11. 7. Pyschen Doors(updated 09/10/2020) [TS4]Psychen Doors Mesh by Minc from scratch These doors were made on 2017. The textures were updated. Download at CurseForge 2020. 5. 28. 이전 1 ··· 5 6 7 8 다음